Send DLR report to kannel


My sms flow is SMPP customer -> Opensmpp -> Bearbox ->SMSBox ->Playsms -> Bearbox ->SMPP Provider

In this scheme DLR Report correctly received from SMPP Provider and stored on Playsms DB.

I need to send dlr report also to SMPP customer.

Is there any solution on playsms how to generate dlr report also to kannel smpp side ?

I don’t know the solution, but wondering can you achieve the goal without playSMS in between ?


Actually I use Playsms in my scheme for routing and billing. All fine, but need to send dlr report to smpp customer.
I found that kannel when receive DLR report from SMPP provider, Looking for DLR on kannel.dlr table and ther stored ‘url’ field. Currently there storeh Playsms URL for DLR-Report.

Is it possible to modify fields which stored on kannel.dlr table on Playsms flow ?
So I need with sms flow which generate Playsms to kannel side, provide different value for url.
Now there provided urli link like

If I put ts (message id) from sms which I got from SMPP customer, with this probably I can provide dlr report from SMPP Provider to SMPP customer.