Delivery Reports

I have installed a new instance of Playsms 1.3 everything is working 100% except I am not getting the Delivery reports as send although the message is getting through to the handset.
Incoming messages with replies are also working 100%.
Must be something small what must the DLR mask be when using kannel, its currently set at 27 is this correct ?

The full value is 31. But 27 is sufficient.

Also check the kannel log and playsms log, dlrs are recorded on both logs.


Seems like I am not even getting Receive DLR in the kannel log.
neither Starting delivery report in smsbox.log
I know this is not a kannel group but does anybody know why this could happen ?.

r u using SMPP ? if it is then first you need to make sure that your settings are correct, check your ports, bind type etc. Secondly you need to examine playsms.log and kannel log, look for dlr-url and dlr-mask, they have to be submitted by playSMS to Kannel.


This is my setup
Carrier SMPP -> SMPP Server (KANNEL) -> Kannel(Client)-Playsms
It must be something in Kannel one thing when I submit a message from playsms does it then already ask for a DLR.

can you rephrase your last message, I don’t get this:


Does playsms send the Delivery request to kannel.

yes. by passing the dlr-mask and dlr-url parameters on sendsms submit


I see the problem this is my log file.

This dlr-mask does not look right.

Where does playsms read this url and mask from ?

did you upgrade or fresh install 1.3.1 ?

the issue with empty dlr-mask has been fixed:


Thanks will sort out and report back.

Fresh Install but still needed to do the DB update.

Copied 2 files after git pull on development still no DLR will test later.
I still think my problem is with the URL

How do I change to localhost ?

Its in your kannel plugin config


I have changed it.
playSMS web URL = http://localhost
and I restarted playsms & kannel
However its mot changed.
| c_timestamp | id | uid | registry_group | registry_family | registry_key | registry_value |
| 1444822331 | 46 | 1 | gateway | kannel | username | |
| 1444822331 | 47 | 1 | gateway | kannel | module_sender | |
| 1444822331 | 48 | 1 | gateway | kannel | module_timezone | +0200 |
| 1444822331 | 49 | 1 | gateway | kannel | bearerbox_host | localhost |
| 1444822331 | 50 | 1 | gateway | kannel | sendsms_host | localhost |
| 1444822331 | 51 | 1 | gateway | kannel | sendsms_port | 13031 |
| 1444822331 | 52 | 1 | gateway | kannel | playsms_web | http://localhost |
| 1444822331 | 53 | 1 | gateway | kannel | additional_param | |
| 1444822331 | 54 | 1 | gateway | kannel | dlr_mask | 27 |
| 1444822331 | 55 | 1 | gateway | kannel | admin_host | localhost |
| 1444822331 | 56 | 1 | gateway | kannel | admin_port | 13000 |
| 1444822331 | 57 | 1 | gateway | kannel | local_time | 1 |
| 1444795268 | 58 | 1 | gateway | kannel | admin_password | |
DLR[internal]: created DLR message for URL

it should be from playsms_web:

check your smsc config, edit and save it again, probably its overridden by settings in smsc (kannel based smsc).


Added a new SMSC config same as the old one and made it the default in Main Configuration now its working not sure why but its resolved.

OOT. I usually add route to it and made blocked as default instead.
