I’m read many topics and try many config, Send and DLR status is working from playsms is normal.
but i can’t set Receive sms in my system (playsms + kannel with smpp)
If i send sms to my “server number” , sms delivered and i cat see sms in kannel status page /store-status and see delivered sms in spool dir. kannel, but sms not received into playsms.
In logs clear! no error , no warnings…
Can anybody help me!? plz!
## group = core
## admin-port = 13000
## admin-password = passwd
## smsbox-port = 13001
## log-file = /var/log/kannel/kannel.log
## access-log = /var/log/kannel/access_kannel.log
## dlr-storage = internal
## #dlr-storage = mysql
## store-type = spool
## store-location = /var/spool/kannel
## sms-resend-freq=2
## log-level = 0
## sms-combine-concatenated-mo = 1
## sms-combine-concatenated-mo-timeout = 600
## group = smsc
## smsc = smpp
## smsc-id = PROVIDER
## interface-version =34
## throughput = 2
## host = PRVIDER_IP
## port = 2222
## smsc-username =name
## smsc-password =passwd
## system-type = VMA
## source-addr-ton = 5
## source-addr-npi = 0
## dest-addr-ton = 1
## dest-addr-npi = 1
## enquire-link-interval = 180
## msg-id-type = 0x01
## transceiver-mode = true
## group = smsbox
## bearerbox-host = KANNEL_SERVICE_IP
## smsbox-id = SMPP
## sendsms-port = 13013
## global-sender = 13013
## log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsbox.log
## log-level = 0
## group = sendsms-user
## username = test
## password = passwd
## default-sender = name
## concatenation = true
## max-messages = 3
## group = sms-service
## keyword = default
## omit-empty = true
## max-messages = 3
## get-url = "http://IP_PLAYSMS_GUI/plugin/gateway/kannel/geturl.php?t=%t&q=%q&a=%aQ=%Q&msc=%i"
## post-url = "http://IP_PLAYSMS_GUI/plugin/gateway/kannel/geturl.php?t=%t&q=%q&a=%a&=%Q&msc=%i"
## group = mysql-connection
## id = mydlr
## host = "mysql_host_ip"
## username = playsms
## password = "passwd"
## database = playsms
## port = 3306
## max-connections = 2
## group = dlr-db
## id = mydlr
## table = playsms_tbldlr
## field-smsc = smsc
## field-timestamp = ts
## field-destination = destination
## field-source = source
## field-service = service
## field-url = url
## field-mask = mask
## field-status = status
## field-boxc-id = boxc