playsms_tblSMSOutgoing footer field


Does any know how to record user’s footer to the database?

Example: if i send sms via webpage or webservices, the user’s footer is store in the p_footer field, but when i sms to the user mobile, the footer value is blank in the database.

the reason i need this field recorded so i can run an SQL report for the SMS send from specific user to the specific number.

SQL: SELECT * FROM playsms_tblSMSOutgoing where p_footer like ‘%@user’ and p_dst like ‘+123456789’


What are you using to sms?. If you send from the web page or webservices what other way are you using to send the messages within Playsms?

If you are using an external method to Playsms, the records are not going to be updated. If that is the case I would recommend that you update the records with a process external to Playsms so later you can query them

Hope this helps