Message status in sent report not updated after send

We have installed playsms and set gateways up to send.
The messages sent and the credit deducted but the messages statuses haven’t been updated and they still pending.
I tested infobip and kannel and both not updating the status.
How to fix this problem?

your question is similar to this Delivery of sms

scroll through the post if you can solve it by ur self

mark your topic as solved after u achieve what u want…


this is the log for kannel dlr

L2 kannel__call # start load:/pathto/plugin/gateway/kannel/dlr.php
 L3 kannel__dlr # remote_addr:ip remote_host:host type:[2] smslog_id:[983079] uid:[5] smsc:[smsc]
L3 dlr # isdlrd:1 smslog_id:983079 p_status:2 uid:5
L2 kannel__call # end load dlr

I noticed that there is a row not found here:
dlrd # id:62216 smslog_id:22118 p_status:2 uid:1

by the way, we received the status and everything is ok just the status in table tblSMSOutgoing not updated.
there is a function dlrd() in lib/fn_dlr.php this function considered to update the status of the report but it didn’t touched.

note: It was working fine and suddenly stopped.

How to fix this?


I am experiencing the same problem, have you fixed this?

