Error: "playsmsd: command not found"

Hi Sir,

I’m using my own local Ubuntu server. Following through with all the steps in your
tutorial went smoothly, However, the second to the last part in Step 9 (“playsmsd restart”) got me into this error. Any advice, Sir? Please help. :confused:


Try “service playsmsd restart” ?
Not sure it’ll work, cause it’s been a long time i didn’t use Playsms.

Also try “sudo playsms restart”

Did you launch the install script with root privilege?

Otherwise type : sudo find / -name playsmsd
And if there are no output it’s mean there was a problem during the install script

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Thanks Arthur. Yeah the are no outputs. There might have been a problem with install. I hope I’d be able to find it as there were no errors during installation or at least not until after I was able to fix the previous ones.


What error ? Cannot find playsmsd ?


Hi Sir… it just says “playsmsd: command not found”

running sudo find / -name playsmsd didn’t pull up any results. :frowning:

paste your install.conf here

btw which tutorial ? paste the link


Furthermore if you could paste what appear in your screen while the installation process it could help too.

I’m using following this tutorial Sir:

my apologies for posting screenshots instead of text as i am using vmware workstation 12 and clipboard seems dysfunctional even after having installed vmware tools. :frowning:

Hi Arthur. Will do Sir…Thank you.

ok, see that PATHBIN, its in /usr/local/bin, if the install script executed perfectly then playsmsd should be in /usr/local/bin

did you run as root ? if not that could be the problem, try again


Yes, Sir Anton I did run it as root.

How did you get the source code ? From the tar.gz archive on source forge ? From Github ? Which version of the archive did you get ? is it the 1.4 ?

Hi Sir, I got it using this using this command:

wget -c

The script died while accessing mysql, do you have mysql ?

Please check again each step, probably on Step 2 there are some packages not installed, particularly mysql related


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Thank you Sir. Will do…

Maybe I’m wrong but I’ve counted 4 dot so, I think it’s this ligne which doesn’t work :

mysql -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS -h $DBHOST -P $DBPORT $DBNAME < db/playsms.sql >/dev/null 2>&1

And not this one :

mysqladmin -u $DBUSER -p$DBPASS -h $DBHOST -P $DBPORT create $DBNAME >/dev/null 2>&1

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It seems everything is already installed, Sir:

Yes, 4 dots, mysql line


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Could you edit the install script and erasing “>/dev/null 2>&1” at the ligne 226 ? Then run again the install script ? And show us the result ?

Okay Sir. will do it…