Email to SMS not polling imap server


I have setup a few different instances of playSMS over the years and am pretty familiar with configuring gateways etc.

I was just wondering if anyone has email to SMS successfully connecting to their gmail account (or working at all) as I have not been able to get it working on 1.4.5 even on different Ubuntu distributions (18.04, 20.04 and 22.04) or php versions (5.6, 5.4.3, 7.4.3, 8.1). I have postfix setup and working correctly to forward SMS responses to email but cannot read email from my gmail account to pipe out to SMS.

I used to have this working on an older system under playSMS 1.4.2 but for security reasons I am not going to deploy this.

The following is all I get in the log regardless of what I try (L3 logging enabled) - this is all Ubuntu variants and php versions

2022-08-15 21:00:01 PID62fa2731b9cec admin L2 mailsms # enabled

Any ideas or help greatly appreciated.

Thank you

Hi - if anyone is interested the function was working fine, I just hadn’t configured gmail properly (looks like less secure app access doesn’t work so good anymore) and the logs in playSMS weren’t showing any authentication information so took me a bit to work it out.

Basically I had to re-enable 2FA on my google account and setup ‘App passwords’ to generate a unique 16 digit password for imap access (found in the administration portal for your gmail user under Security > Signing in to Google > App passwords).

Hope this comes in handy for anyone else struggling to enable this.

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