we are using playSMS to send bulk SMS and it works very fine. Often we get “STOP”-replies and we are obliged by law to add these mobile numbers to the stoplist. Is there a way to add mobile numbers to the stoplist using the webservices API as we want users to be able to add the numbers themselves using a intranet-website app?
Hmm, not exactly: I made an PHP page which reads out sandbox messages and places them in a table with rows each containing the mobile number, the message and a button. The user then can click on the button to add the number to the stoplist. The stop-button works as follows: with an AJAX injection I open index.php?app=main&inc=feature_stoplist&op=stoplist_add_manual&add_mobile=[mobile_number]&user=[username] on playsms-server. On page plugin/feature/stoplist/stoplist.php I put security checks in comment and I added case “stoplist_add_manual” which only performs the query: “insert into playsms.playsms_featureStoplist (c_timestamp, uid, mobile) values (now(), “. user_username2uid($_GET[‘user’]) .”, '+”.$_GET[‘add_mobile’]."’)"
It is not good to skip the security but I have no other way to use the token that is in a hidden field in the CSRF-form in the playsms stoplist feature…
Waiting for a WS-solution to add mobile numbers to stoplist, this is a simple workaround…