while checking system and DB time, the time is OK, but while checking in table ‘playsms_featureSendfromfile’ using feature send from file, found that GMT+0 Zone time is written, can someone help on this.
I have checked the function core_get_datetime() is taking GMT time, do i need some code changes for taking system time?
Playsms system time
Fri Aug 5 08:52:43 NPT 2016
Kannel System time
Fri Aug 5 08:55:20 NPT 2016
MysqlDB time
| now() |
| 2016-08-05 08:55:28 |
$db_query .= “VALUES (’$uid’,’$sid’,’” . core_get_datetime() . “’,’$sms_to’,’” . addslashes($sms_msg) . “’,’$sms_username’)”;