SMTP AUTH is required for message submission on port 587 SMTP server error: QUIT command failed

As long as I’ve already search along this forum and other Google Searches, until this fresh install i was able to send emails from all SMS in inbox.

Now, I’ve tried (I think) all possibilities.
25 was giving “proihibited” fomr server
465 sendmail # end with error:SMTP Error: Could not connect to SMTP host.
And Last of all
587 SMTP AUTH is required for message submission on port 587 SMTP server error: QUIT command failed

Report Level 4

My config is this
// SMTP configuration
$core_config[‘smtp’][‘relm’] = ‘’; // yes, not realm, it’s relm
$core_config[‘smtp’][‘user’] = ‘’;
$core_config[‘smtp’][‘pass’] = ‘xxxxxxxxxxxx’;
$core_config[‘smtp’][‘host’] = ‘’;
$core_config[‘smtp’][‘port’] = ‘587’;

I’m stuck on this, and can’t get rid out of this error!

SMTP AUTH is required for message submission on port 587 SMTP server error: QUIT command failed

What am I missing?

Any help, I would aprecciate it!
Many thanks for any help