Hi! This is really frustrating. It is a great app in so many ways, but this emailproblem is driving me crazy! I’ve tried all the suggestions I’ve come over and then some, without luck. My playsms doesn’t log any error, either in logstate 2, 3 og 4. However, in the postfix log this appear:
Dec 29 10:14:38 holbekanlegg postfix/smtpd[217098]: connect from localhost[]
Dec 29 10:14:38 holbekanlegg postfix/smtpd[217098]: lost connection after EHLO from localhost[]
Dec 29 10:14:38 holbekanlegg postfix/smtpd[217098]: disconnect from localhost[] ehlo=1 commands=1
I don’t know what this means, but it’s clear that playsms for some reason is immediately disconnectet. Postfix sends emails from the commandline just fine. If someone could figure this out, I could sleep at night again
From your last post it seems like you got it to work somehow. Would you care to share how you made it work?