Problem with translations

I have been looking at the messages.po file in the Spanish translation and is very old and it is incomplete.

How can I translate the whole site. I am willing to do the job and share it with the community but I need to know how to compile and install a language pack.

I edited the .po files using poedit and I can see when the scripts actually compile the po files because the next time I see them they are empty. The problem is that the changes are not reflected on the interface.

I also have installed the language packages. I followed the instructions in your with no positive results.

Any help will be greatly appreciated


After a lot of attempts to translate to Spanish language I found that the most of the actual texts that are being used by the interface are not on every plugin folder but in a folder under the storage directory. I do not know why since I am not familiar with the framework used to program Playsms but when I edit that particular file using poedit and regenerate the files as described on the actual texts on the front end are change. There are 1000 plus messages there that have to be translated but once you start the translation and compile the mo file the translation work

You have to go to /your/web/installation/path/storage/plugin/language there you will see the folder for every language.
There you go to /your_language/LC_MESSAGES and you will find the messages.po file that needs to be translated. Once you have done the translations (or partially) you run the command for regenerating described on the documentation, re login and your interface changes language.

When you use poedit you will notice that every time that you translate a message and regenerate the actual string is let out of the list. So when you finish there should not be any string to translate.
I presume that not all the messages used on the front end are there or that there is a way to translate the fuzzy translations but I am still working in the process.

I just wanted to share this since I spend a lot of hours figuring it out. I have a draft of the Spanish translation if anyone needs it. It is a draft since still it needs a lot of work

I have tried to use your fix but can’t get my web to show the new translation i have made.
I have changed the “reset password” in the login page to “Hi Nimrod” , compile the .po file, run the necessary scripts but could not see the new text.
I have upload the PO and MO files to: “/root/playsms-1.2.1/web/storage/plugin/language/en_US/LC_MESSAGES”.

the “Active Language” in MyAccount->User configuration, is set to: English (United States)
the “Active Language” in Settings->Main configuration, is set to: English (United States)

What am i missing here ?

I really spent a lot of time in this issue and about to give up on this.
Any suggestions ?



My suggestions below

The change of the password should not affect the fact that you can not see the translations. The issue with the translations is not a security privileges issue.

As per the installation documentation you should have your actual installation on a different place. If you used the install script you should have your source files under /usr/local/src not root. Also that is not the actual place where your web server ios running from. Your actual pages are an from the default web path. In Ubuntu is /var/www/html in other distribution may change to /var/www any way it depends on your web server configuration. If you decided to leave it under root be aware that there could be security issues. If you are running your actual installation from the /var/www folder, those are the files that you should edit. Please note that I specified /your/web/installation/path/

Also as per the you should use a tool like poedit to edit the po files. Once you have edited the po file you should run the scripts on the contrib/tools folder and point them to your web installation path not to your src path in order for the script to compile the mo files on every directory. Actually the scripts what is running is the msgfmt command for every directory so you can do that for your specific directory.

[quote=“nimrod, post:3, topic:335”]
the “Active Language” in MyAccount->User configuration, is set to: English (United States)the “Active Language” in Settings->Main configuration, is set to: English (United States)

The default language is English. If you are choosing English as active language you will not see the translation you should choose another language in order to see the translations. Remember that you also have to have the right language pack installed.

If you are confused about where the actual installation is please do a clean install following the instruction on the documentation

I hope this helps

Do not execute the scripts, just edit po file and compile, then replace. enjoy