best regard
I want to receive a sms from a cell phone and when I send it, I get a failed request, in the kannel log I have this
DEBUG: Thread 7 (gw/heartbeat.c:heartbeat_thread) maps to pid 23614.
2017-05-24 12:22:04 [23614] [4] DEBUG: match found: ^[ ]()[ ]
2017-05-24 12:22:04 [23614] [4] WARNING: No translation found for from <+573300001072> to <890297>
2017-05-24 12:22:04 [23614] [4] ERROR: request failed
2017-05-24 12:22:04 [23614] [4] DEBUG: message length 14, sending 1 messages
2017-05-24 12:22:04 [23614] [0] DEBUG: Got ACK (0) of 187f45d3-c15f-4cef-8480-6950b9b5c883
2017-05-24 12:22:04 [23614] [0] DEBUG: No client - multi-send or ACK to pull-reply
How about your kannel config? It seems something related to mo-recode
Thank you very much for answering
Already solve my problem in the service to receive I was identifying the smsc with a different id
SMSC smpp1
Group = smsc
Smsc = smpp
Smsc-id = "2"
Host = xxxxxx
Port = xxxxxx
Transceiver-mode = 1
Alt-charset = UTF8
Interface-version = 34
Smsc-username = xxxxx
Smsc-password = xxxxx
System-type = AIIAGROUP-PCA
Source-addr-ton = 2
Source-addr-npi = 1
Dest-addr-ton = 1
Dest-addr-npi = 1
Bind-addr-ton = 1
Bind-addr-npi = 1
Enquire-link-interval = 30
Max-pending-submits = 50
Log-file = /var/log/kannel/smsc-smpp.log
Log-level = 0
Group = sms-service
Accepted-smsc = "5"
Keyword =
Post-url = "http: //localhost3/smpp.php/received?SOURCEADDR=%p&DESTADDR=%P&ORIGIN =%i&MESSAGE=%a&DATE=%t"
Catch-all = yes
Max-messages = 0
My smsc smpp1 has the id smsc-id = “2” and I had it in the sms-service, accepted-smsc = “5” which is not correct, I changed to accepted-smsc = “2” and it worked.