PlaySMS + kannel: SMS stopped sending when another user imports file

I have config PlaySMS + kannel. All is setup properly, I am able to send SMS using compose option. Kannel is connecting to SMPP SMSC. I am getting a problem when two users are using Send from file option. We made a test:

  1. My colleague uploaded a file with 166 messages. The file has been processed properly.
  2. His messages started to be send.
  3. Once I checked that 15 his messages has been already sent, I uploaded my file: different numbers, but again 166 messages.
  4. Our messages has been sent simultaneously for a while, yet at some point his messages stopped sending. Only mine was sent.
  5. When my pending SMS number dropped to 0 (all my SMS was already sent), his messages resumed.

How to fix such situation? Both users should be able to send messages independently. Right now I have 5 users, and FILO queuing is the worst option here.


The queue should be fifo, but no specific way implemented to assure that.

You can check sent messages and compare sent time.

Pending status means that sms has been submitted to Kannel, this also means playSMS has done its job. Sent/delivered means that Kannel has processed the sms and returns the status to playSMS.


@anton thank you for response. So you are saying, that fault is totally on kannel’s side?

You can test afew times, if the behaviour persists then I’ll check deeper on the code


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