I have config PlaySMS + kannel. All is setup properly, I am able to send SMS using compose option. Kannel is connecting to SMPP SMSC. I am getting a problem when two users are using Send from file option. We made a test:
- My colleague uploaded a file with 166 messages. The file has been processed properly.
- His messages started to be send.
- Once I checked that 15 his messages has been already sent, I uploaded my file: different numbers, but again 166 messages.
- Our messages has been sent simultaneously for a while, yet at some point his messages stopped sending. Only mine was sent.
- When my pending SMS number dropped to 0 (all my SMS was already sent), his messages resumed.
How to fix such situation? Both users should be able to send messages independently. Right now I have 5 users, and FILO queuing is the worst option here.