Playsms doesn't write into gammu folders but read!

Hi, sorry for my english.
Playsms doesn’t write the files into gammu folders.
Setting > Manage gateway and SMSC -> Action -> Gateways -> Gear Icon:

Gateway name: gammu
Spool folder: /var/spool/gammu

Setting > Manage gateway and SMSC -> Action -> SMSCs -> Gear Icon:

Gateway: gammu
SMSC name: gammu
Receiver number: empty
Spool folder: /var/spool/gammu

drwxrwxrwx 2 www-data www-data  4096 lug 15 14:19 error
drwxrwxrwx 2 www-data www-data  4096 lug 15 16:22 inbox
drwxrwxrwx 2 www-data www-data 32768 lug 15 08:53 outbox
drwxrwxrwx 2 www-data www-data 36864 lug 15 14:37 sent

The path /var/spool/gammu was created and playsms popup “Your message has been delivered to queue (queued:1 failed:0)”


Ps: Playsms can read the SMS received.

This is usually a permissions issue since the two service ran under different users and groups

Usually gammu is ran under the gammu user and playsms is ran under the apache user (www-data on Ubuntu) you can run your gammu service under your apache service so the apache service will be able to write and read from the gammu folders as well as gammu. You can configure the user that gammu run on /etc/default/gammu.

Also you can make your apache user part of the gammu group. Try to limit the permission to the gammu folders to avoid security issues or set your gammu folders in a public area where there is no access to the system (be aware that other people will be able to read your sent folder).

Hope this help