I have installed PlaySMS on CentOS and I have PHP 7.2.6, MySL 8.0.11 and Apache 2.4.33 and GAMMU.
SMSs perfectly sends to recipient but send massages don’t saves to Reports → My sent messages.
and here
No error in the logs (http, mysql, gammu).
Please, help me guys. Thank in advance.
June 23, 2018, 11:01am
Check in playsms log, enable the log
Thanks for reply Anton!
In playSMS’s log haven’t errors. Several last strings in playsms.log: smsd.uz 2018-06-23 13:10:39 PID5b2e46ced3d46 admin L2 sendsms # start uid:1 sender_id:[1234] smsc:[] smsd.uz 2018-06-23 13:10:39 PID5b2e46ced3d46 admin L2 sendsms_queue_create # saving queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 src:1234 scheduled:2018-06-23 13:10:39 smsd.uz 2018-06-23 13:10:39 PID5b2e46ced3d46 admin L2 sendsms_queue_create # saved queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 id:37 smsd.uz 2018-06-23 13:10:39 PID5b2e46ced3d46 admin L2 sendsms # dst_count:1 sms_count:1 total_charges:0 smsd.uz 2018-06-23 13:10:39 PID5b2e46ced3d46 admin L2 sendsms_queue_push # saving queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 dst:+998977203103 smsd.uz 2018-06-23 13:10:39 PID5b2e46ced3d46 admin L2 sendsms_queue_push # saved queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 smslog_id:47 smsd.uz 2018-06-23 13:10:39 PID5b2e46ced3d46 admin L2 sendsms # end queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 failed_queue:0 failed_sms:0
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 sendsmsd # start processing queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 chunk:0 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 scheduled:2018-06-23 13:10:39 uid:1 gpid:0 sender_id:1234
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 sendsmsd # sending queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 smslog_id:47 to:+998977203103 sms_count:1 counter:1
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 recvsms_process # using default SMSC smsc:[gammu]
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 sendsms_process # start
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 simplerate_hook_rate_cansend # allowed user uid:1 sms_to:+998977203103 adhoc_credit:0 count:1 rate: charge:0 adhoc_balance:0
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 sendsms # saving smslog_id:47 u:1 parent_uid:0 g:0 gw:gammu smsc:gammu s:1234 d:+998977203103 type:text unicode:0 status:0
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 sendsms_process # saved smslog_id:47 id:46
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 gammu_hook_sendsms # saving outfile:[/var/spool/gammu/outbox/OUTA20180623_131040_00_+998977203103_47100011100010.txtd] smsc:gammu
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 gammu_hook_sendsms # saved outfile:[/var/spool/gammu/outbox/OUTA20180623_131040_00_+998977203103_47100011100010.txtd] smsc:gammu
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 simplerate_hook_rate_deduct # enter smslog_id:47
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 simplebilling_hook_billing_post # saving smslog_id:47 rate: count:1 charge:0
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 simplebilling_hook_billing_post # saved smslog_id:47 id:71
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 sendsms_process # end
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 sendsmsd # result queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 to:+998977203103 flag:1 smslog_id:47
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:40 PID5b2e46cfeb380 - L2 sendsmsd # finish processing queue_code:aa728ef415ad77d63f894b9a54816674 uid:1 sender_id:1234 queue_count:1 sms_count:1
- - 2018-06-23 13:10:50 PID5b2e44980b0a2 - L2 gammu_hook_getsmsstatus # smslog_id:47 unlink the_fn:/var/spool/gammu/sent/OUTA20180623_131040_00_+998977203103_47100011100010.txtd p_status:1 smsc:gammu
You have other ideas? Thans in advance!
Problem solved after upgrade to version 1.4.2.
June 26, 2018, 5:54am
Yes, was problem with default sql_mode changes in MySQL 5.7.11 and above, option related to handling sql group by