PlaySMS and integrating users from an AD, adding contacts through .csv and group management


Can you just re install from the start? Start fresh.

Or at least try in VirtualBox see what its like on fresh installed playSMS and compare them.


Yeah, I can do that I guess.

So things thats handy to take backup of is database info, login screen and start screen. Along with daemon config and script, I guess?

Whatā€™s the easiest way to delete playSMS for a fresh install? (Is there a script written for it? If not, which folders do I have to delete?)

Edit: when I updated to 1.1 I noticed that you hadnā€™t updated to my most recent upload, is that done now? Else Iā€™ll have to change the files manually again to the newest after installing 1.1 fresh. In the language thread, itā€™s the most recent upload in the language thread.

Ok, I werenet able to add more contacts with the same number when trying to import groups from the previous database, so thats something that I will have to add manually again (ugh :stuck_out_tongue:)

I am however able to add more contacts with the same number when Iā€™m not trying to do that, so thats great.

I have one problem though, Iā€™m currently unable to send SMS, I might be missing something obvious here, Iā€™ll blame my lack of sleep after the vacation :smiley:

This is the log: 2015-08-03 11:12:42 PID55bf308a87582 HKIT L2 sendsms # start uid:2 sender_id:[1234] smsc:[] 2015-08-03 11:12:42 PID55bf308a87582 HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_create # saving queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 src:1234 scheduled:2015-08-03 11:12:42 2015-08-03 11:12:42 PID55bf308a87582 HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_create # saved queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 id:3 2015-08-03 11:12:42 PID55bf308a87582 HKIT L2 sendsms # dst:1 sms_count:1 total_charges:0 2015-08-03 11:12:42 PID55bf308a87582 HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_push # saving queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 dst:004747275267 2015-08-03 11:12:42 PID55bf308a87582 HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_push # saved queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 smslog_id:3 2015-08-03 11:12:42 PID55bf308a87582 HKIT L2 sendsms # end queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 failed_queue:0 failed_sms:0

    • 2015-08-03 11:12:43 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 sendsmsd # start processing queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 scheduled:2015-08-03 11:12:42 uid:2 gpid:0 sender_id:1234
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:43 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 sendsmsd # sending queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 smslog_id:3 to:004747275267 sms_count:1 counter:1
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:43 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 sendsms_process # start
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 simplerate__cansend # allowed user uid:2 sms_to:004747275267 credit:0.000 count:1 rate: charge:0 balance:0
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 sendsms # saving smslog_id:3 u:2 g:0 gw:dev smsc:dev s:1234 d:004747275267 type:text unicode:0 status:0
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 sendsms_process # saved smslog_id:3 id:3
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 simplerate__deduct # enter smslog_id:3
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 credit_hook_rate_setusercredit # no changes uid:2 balance:0
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 simplerate__deduct # user uid:2 parent_uid: smslog_id:3 msglen:10 count:1 rate: charge:0 credit:0.000 balance:0
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 simplebilling__post # saving smslog_id:3 rate: credit:0.000 count:1 charge:0
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 simplebilling__post # saved smslog_id:3 id:3
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 sendsms_process # end
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 sendsmsd # result queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 to:004747275267 flag:1 smslog_id:3
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf303158351 - L2 simplebilling__finalize # saving smslog_id:3
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf303158351 - L2 simplebilling__finalize # saved smslog_id:3
    • 2015-08-03 11:12:44 PID55bf308bd6cb5 - L2 sendsmsd # finish processing queue_code:c639af66053297196d42e3292c3a1468 uid:2 sender_id:1234 queue_count:1 sms_count:1


You should enable logstate 3 (from config.php, look for logstate and change from 2 to 3, then playsmsd restart)
and test again


Ok, will do when I get back to work tomorrow!

Im struggling with updating to the latest language pack I uploaded tho (you havenā€™t added it yet, so Iā€™m trying to use the most recent). But it seems like theres something happening with the process between the conversion of the .po to .mo files. I check the .po files, no errors, changes done. Running ./ /var/www/html/playsms. The script runs, the translation doesnt update. Any idea why this happens? I used to be able to run that script with success. (I thjnk Iā€™m still running the same script as when I just downloaded the 1.1 release, I presume the regenrating script didnā€™t change since then?)

In 1.1 you need to run 4th script, ./

or just run the ./


Ah, youā€™ve made new scripts, what exactly is the point of the third script at the moment then?

Changed logstate to 3, this is the log after one sent SMS: 2015-08-03 18:53:19 PID55bf9c7f93d74 admin L2 logout # u:admin uid:1 status:2 sid:p8it53u26h5unuitcefbqviml3 ip: 2015-08-03 18:53:26 PID55bf9c86316a8 - L2 auth_validate_login # valid login u:HKIT uid:2 ip: 2015-08-03 18:53:26 PID55bf9c86316a8 - L2 login # u:HKIT uid:2 status:2 sid:p8it53u26h5unuitcefbqviml3 ip: 2015-08-03 19:11:57 PID55bfa0dd5210b - L2 auth_validate_login # valid login u:HKIT uid:2 ip: 2015-08-03 19:11:57 PID55bfa0dd5210b - L2 login # u:HKIT uid:2 status:2 sid:p3gbu3c2c5lkf5dq04hrcufab0 ip: PID55bfa18dc612f - L2 init # WARNING: possible CSRF attack. sid:p8it53u26h5unuitcefbqviml3 ip: 2015-08-03 19:14:59 PID55bfa193dd46a - L2 auth_validate_login # valid login u:HKIT uid:2 ip: 2015-08-03 19:15:00 PID55bfa193dd46a - L2 login # u:HKIT uid:2 status:2 sid:p8it53u26h5unuitcefbqviml3 ip: 2015-08-04 07:48:48 PID55c05240e3dd7 - L2 auth_validate_login # valid login u:HKIT uid:2 ip: 2015-08-04 07:48:49 PID55c05240e3dd7 - L2 login # u:HKIT uid:2 status:2 sid:ic60hu1ktntv0ic4mco19s04q6 ip: 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L2 sendsms # start uid:2 sender_id:[1234] smsc:[] 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L3 sendsms # maxlen:459 footerlen:6 footer:[ @HKIT] msglen:4 message:[Test] 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_create # saving queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 src:1234 scheduled:2015-08-04 07:50:59 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_create # saved queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 id:4 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L3 sendsms_manipulate_prefix # before prefix manipulation:[004747275267] 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L3 sendsms_manipulate_prefix # after prefix manipulation:[004747275267] 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:004747275267 default_rate:0 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:2 u:HKIT len:10 unicode:0 to:004747275267 enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate: charge:0 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L2 sendsms # dst:1 sms_count:1 total_charges:0 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_push # saving queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 dst:004747275267 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_push # saved queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 smslog_id:4 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c2c3d74 HKIT L2 sendsms # end queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 failed_queue:0 failed_sms:0

    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 sendsmsd # start processing queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 scheduled:2015-08-04 07:50:59 uid:2 gpid:0 sender_id:1234
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 sendsmsd # sending queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 smslog_id:4 to:004747275267 sms_count:1 counter:1
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 sendsms_intercept # msgtemplate modified sms_sender:[1234] sms_footer:[@HKIT] sms_to:[004747275267] sms_msg:[Test] uid:[2] gpid:[0] sms_type:[text] unicode:[0] queue_code:[a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43] smsc:[]
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 outgoing_hook_sendsms_intercept # no SMSC found uid:2 parent_uid:0 from:1234 to:004747275267
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 sendsms_process # start
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:004747275267 default_rate:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:2 u:HKIT len:10 unicode:0 to:004747275267 enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate: charge:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 simplerate__cansend # allowed user uid:2 sms_to:004747275267 credit:0.000 count:1 rate: charge:0 balance:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 sendsms # saving smslog_id:4 u:2 g:0 gw:dev smsc:dev s:1234 d:004747275267 type:text unicode:0 status:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 sendsms_process # saved smslog_id:4 id:4
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 sendsms # final smslog_id:4 gw:dev smsc:dev message:Test @HKIT len:10
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 dev_hook_sendsms # enter smsc:dev smslog_id:4 uid:2 to:004747275267
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 dlr # isdlrd:1 smslog_id:4 p_status:3 uid:2
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 simplerate__deduct # enter smslog_id:4
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:004747275267 default_rate:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:2 u:HKIT len:10 unicode:0 to:004747275267 enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate: charge:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 credit_hook_rate_setusercredit # no changes uid:2 balance:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 simplerate__deduct # user uid:2 parent_uid: smslog_id:4 msglen:10 count:1 rate: charge:0 credit:0.000 balance:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 simplebilling__post # saving smslog_id:4 rate: credit:0.000 count:1 charge:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 simplebilling__post # saved smslog_id:4 id:4
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 simplerate__deduct # deduct successful uid:2 parent_uid: smslog_id:4
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L3 simplerate__deduct # credit_lowest_limit:0 balance:0 charge:0
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 sendsms_process # end
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 sendsmsd # result queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 to:004747275267 flag:1 smslog_id:4
    • 2015-08-04 07:50:59 PID55c052c36e3c2 - L2 sendsmsd # finish processing queue_code:a2ec3f3680716a8eb2e74f50a340bc43 uid:2 sender_id:1234 queue_count:1 sms_count:1
    • 2015-08-04 07:51:00 PID55c052a9cccdc - L3 dlrd # id:4 smslog_id:4 p_status:3 uid:2
    • 2015-08-04 07:51:00 PID55c052a9cccdc - L2 simplebilling__finalize # saving smslog_id:4
    • 2015-08-04 07:51:00 PID55c052a9cccdc - L2 simplebilling__finalize # saved smslog_id:4

EDIT: Used SMS3 (SMS Server Tools 3 - I guess, I based myself on a project someone else ran at the office), not sure if thats whats used. In manage plugins I donā€™t seem to be able to change things? Is the problem related to this maybe?

You are using gateway dev, which mean you donā€™t send anywhere, its a demo dev

Please configure outgoing router properly


Where do I actually change the routing then? I canā€™t see anything interactive in manage plugin?

EDIT: If its the SMSC option under the main configuration I can only choose between dev and blocked.

EDIT2: Seems like something has happened to the smstools3 install, Iā€™ll reinstalling it.

Where do you read the manual that tells you to even check manage plugin ?

The routing is from Manage gateway and smsc and Route outgoing SMS


Didnā€™t read the manual, just browsed the system. Later after reinstalling sms tools 3 I noticed it and added a smstools gateway.

Reading from that the SMSC name needs to be the same as the modem name. I presume that refers to the name thats given in the smsd.conf file.

When comparing my old smsd.conf I can see that theres been new additions since I last installed the sms tools package. Are these vital to get it to work since 1.1? At the moment Iā€™m still using the old one. Iā€™ll try to send a sms now and Iā€™ll link the log again presuming I donā€™t get a SMS. After sending the log Iā€™ll compare the new smsd.conf to the new one and Iā€™ll try to get the neeeded information into the new one.

EDIT: under Edit SMSC, theres an option to fill in receiver number and query directory. Are these needed? Asked the one that installed the previous one a few months back ( and he canā€™t recall if he had to do that or not.

The log: 2015-08-04 12:16:55 PID55c09115f282a HKIT L3 main_config # main configuration saved. uid:2 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L2 sendsms # start uid:2 sender_id:[1234] smsc:[] 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L3 sendsms # maxlen:459 footerlen:6 footer:[ @HKIT] msglen:11 message:[Testmessage] 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_create # saving queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 src:1234 scheduled:2015-08-04 12:17:08 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_create # saved queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 id:12 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L3 sendsms_manipulate_prefix # before prefix manipulation:[004747275267] 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L3 sendsms_manipulate_prefix # after prefix manipulation:[004747275267] 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:004747275267 default_rate:0 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:2 u:HKIT len:17 unicode:0 to:004747275267 enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate: charge:0 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L2 sendsms # dst:1 sms_count:1 total_charges:0 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_push # saving queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 dst:004747275267 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L2 sendsms_queue_push # saved queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 smslog_id:12 2015-08-04 12:17:08 PID55c091248601f HKIT L2 sendsms # end queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 failed_queue:0 failed_sms:0

    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 sendsmsd # start processing queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 scheduled:2015-08-04 12:17:08 uid:2 gpid:0 sender_id:1234
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 sendsmsd # sending queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 smslog_id:12 to:004747275267 sms_count:1 counter:1
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 sendsms_intercept # msgtemplate modified sms_sender:[1234] sms_footer:[@HKIT] sms_to:[004747275267] sms_msg:[Testmessage] uid:[2] gpid:[0] sms_type:[text] unicode:[0] queue_code:[e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59] smsc:[]
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 outgoing_hook_sendsms_intercept # no SMSC found uid:2 parent_uid:0 from:1234 to:004747275267
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 sendsms_process # start
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:004747275267 default_rate:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:2 u:HKIT len:17 unicode:0 to:004747275267 enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate: charge:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 simplerate__cansend # allowed user uid:2 sms_to:004747275267 credit:0.000 count:1 rate: charge:0 balance:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 sendsms # saving smslog_id:12 u:2 g:0 gw:smstools smsc:smstools s:1234 d:004747275267 type:text unicode:0 status:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 sendsms_process # saved smslog_id:12 id:12
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 sendsms # final smslog_id:12 gw:smstools smsc:smstools message:Testmessage @HKIT len:17
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 smstools_hook_sendsms # enter smsc:smstools smslog_id:12 uid:2 to:004747275267
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 smstools_hook_sendsms # saving outfile:/out.0.2.12 smsc:[smstools]
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 smstools_hook_sendsms # saved outfile:/out.0.2.12 smsc:[smstools]
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 dlr # isdlrd:1 smslog_id:12 p_status:0 uid:2
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 simplerate__deduct # enter smslog_id:12
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:004747275267 default_rate:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:2 u:HKIT len:17 unicode:0 to:004747275267 enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate: charge:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 credit_hook_rate_setusercredit # no changes uid:2 balance:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 simplerate__deduct # user uid:2 parent_uid: smslog_id:12 msglen:17 count:1 rate: charge:0 credit:0.000 balance:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 simplebilling__post # saving smslog_id:12 rate: credit:0.000 count:1 charge:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 simplebilling__post # saved smslog_id:12 id:12
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 simplerate__deduct # deduct successful uid:2 parent_uid: smslog_id:12
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L3 simplerate__deduct # credit_lowest_limit:0 balance:0 charge:0
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 sendsms_process # end
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 sendsmsd # result queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 to:004747275267 flag:1 smslog_id:12
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:09 PID55c0912567a68 - L2 sendsmsd # finish processing queue_code:e8853980b9921bca6438dbe90f8ddd59 uid:2 sender_id:1234 queue_count:1 sms_count:1
    • 2015-08-04 12:17:10 PID55c09099c7e8e - L3 dlrd # id:12 smslog_id:12 p_status:0 uid:2

Fill the Queue directory with this: /var/spool/sms/modem1



Alright, I notice that I have no modem1 folder though. Is this supposed to be generated? I still havenā€™t switched to the new config.

Old config thats still in use: smsd.conf (705 Bytes)

You should follow at least one manual completely. Please follow the book.

I understand you already installed previous version, but it seems the upgrade was failed. So I suggested you to fresh install. I think you followed my suggestion. If you did, please follow the manual completely, not just installing playSMS but also the gateway in this case smstools3. Forget all previous config if you must.


I reinstalled smstools, but the directories and the config file was still around, so those werent overwritten. (folders are empty anyway, shouldnt be a problem). If you look at the current config-file, the only difference I see is that the device name is wavecom.

Should I just switch modem1 with wavecom whereever I see modem1 in the new config-file then?

EDIT: anyways, I guess I could just run the sms tools uninstall script and to do a complete clean install on the sms tools as well.

no need, you just need to adjust your smstools, following my example

hold a sec, let me adjust that for you


here is your adjusted smsd.conf:
smsd.conf (807 Bytes)

make sure that this smsd.conf replaces your current smsd.conf and do these commands:

mkdir -p /var/log/sms/stats
mkdir -p /var/spool/sms/{checked,failed,incoming,outgoing,sent}
chown www-data:www-data -R /var/spool/sms

From web your SMSC name should be modem1, not wavecom.
The Queue directory must be /var/spool/sms/modem1.


Getting an error when attempting to start the the sms3 daemon:

/etc/init.d/sms3 start
Starting SMS Daemon: Queues are used, but modem1 is not served by any modem
There was 2 major problems found.
Cannot start. See the log file for details.
smsd failed.

Looking for the log file, not sure where it is. Edit: found it (/var/log/sms/smsd.log). The last line in that file, however, is from 2.5hrs ago. Where I stopped the process.

Also first time I tried to start the daemon after doing what you said, it said that there was no modem1 directory, so I had to create it, is this normal?

ah forgot the queue option, add queue = modem1 on the last line:

# wavecom USB
#init = AT+CNMI=2,0,0,2,1
init = AT+CNMI=1,0,0,2,0
device = /dev/ttyUSB0
incoming = yes
baudrate = 115200
report = yes
primary_memory = SM
secondary_memory = SR
queues = modem1

if you create modem1 directory your self then you need to chown www-data:www-data again
