Alright, I don’t know why, but since I’m using different version as you and mine seems to be working as expected, so maybe you need to update your playSMS.
Alright, I don’t know why, but since I’m using different version as you and mine seems to be working as expected, so maybe you need to update your playSMS.
So, whats the easiest way to update my playsms? I’ve got very limited github experience.
Cause I obviously want to keep some stuff from my current installation, like some database information from other tables as well as the welcome screen amongst others.
Ok, I think I’ve updated playSMS the hard way by copying all recent files from github (I really need to read up on how to make a repository, but enogh about that). I’m still not able to add more than one contact on each number though.
By clearing database did you mean deleting all the rows, or did you actually delete the tables to then generate them again? Also I’m not sure if the sql-script 1.0 to 1.1 actually ran, is there an easy way to check that?
If you can wait until end of this month you should get a full update manual from 1.0 to 1.1
Updates on in-between-updates version like this is pretty hard.
Well I could, I just want to get it to work. (also partly because I want so test with sending mass-sms to a class, I’ve only tried at a smaller scale with 5-10)
So no ideas if theres any minor changes that would make me able to add contacts with the same number then? I can double check everything you told me to do, but it might be a 1.1 change that also made it work in the end added to all the changes in this thread.
If you have the time to check if I’m braindead or not (aka missed something obvious) I’ve sent you teamviewer information with a PM.
Regarding mass-SMS, I’ve sent SMS’ to an entire school now (a fairly small one), 217 SMS’ got sent, also sent to the IT-department at the end of all the class groups and we received the SMS’. So it seems like this setup can send out SMS in bulk fairly well.
I pretty much only need to get the seperate contacts with indentical numbers now and we’re set!
I really appreciate all the help I’ve gotten from you, I’ll look up on my translation to see if theres any flaws here and there and I’ll let you know if something needs updating. If there’s anything else you think I can help you with, just let me know!
Upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1 is now available:
Here is the changelog since 1.0:
Cool, I’ll have a look at it tomorrow at work! Hopefully it fixes all problems regarding the contacts.
Hm, I’m unable to start the daemon after the update.
When trying to connect to the service itself to see if I get any errors I get this displayed:
DB Error: connect failed
This obviously has something to do with the database, whether or not this has something to do with the daemon not starting, I dont know.
EDIT: going home from work now, I am however able to connect remotely with teamviewer to try stuff if you are to reply before I get to work tomorrow. (You also have the teamviewer information sent on PM if you wish to check it out)
Tried running the upgrade process again, getting error at the database part of it, I presume this is due to the upgrade has already happened to it? (ERROR 1060 (42S21) at line 9: Duplicate column name ‘service_name’)
Also can my problems been due to having a test table from when I tested with adding users through a script? (So I didn’t constantly fill up the user table with test-data). I had no error the first time I ran the mysql upgrade, so I doubt that’s the issue, but I’m mentioning it just in case.
EDIT: paste from terminal:
root@HK01-SMS-01:/usr/local/bin# playsmsd start
playsmsd has been started
schedule at pid
dlrssmsd at pid
recvsmsd at pid
sendsmsd at pid
root@HK01-SMS-01:/usr/local/bin# playsmsd start
Unable to start playsmsd
root@HK01-SMS-01:/usr/local/bin# playsmsd status
playsmsd is not running
root@HK01-SMS-01:/usr/local/bin# playsmsd check
PLAYSMSD_CONF = /etc/playsmsd.conf
PLAYSMS_PATH = /var/www/html/playsms
PLAYSMS_LIB = /var/lib/playsms
PLAYSMS_BIN = /usr/local/bin
PLAYSMS_LOG = /var/log/playsms
PIDS schedule =
PIDS dlrssmsd =
PIDS recvsmsd =
PIDS sendsmsd =
Any ideas of how to solve this problem? : )
I’m going on vacation this friday, so if you have time I’d appreciate to get some help before then. Would be nice to get the service up and running again before I head off for vacation!
I have the impression that the update you did messed up your config. Your playsmsd check
you posted shows me that your paths are the default ones. Is your current installation at /var/www/html/playsms or somewhere else?
No, that’s not the problem. I’ve installed playsms in /var/www/html/playsms.
Any other ideas? Cheers for trying to clear this out!
Just to clear this out.
You did an upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1
you are able to login to playsms
the problem is that playsms daemon is not running. correct?
can you please verify?
Upgraded from 1.0 to 1.1
Daemon is not running, as well as I’m unable to enter the service.
“DB Error: connect failed” is what meets me when I try to enter the site.
Open your config.php and check the database credentials.
make sure that your datase details are correct. Then you will be able to login.
Regarding playsms daemon. Make sure that there is no other instance of playsmsd running. playsmsd stop
open a terminal and # ps awx | grep playsmsd
make sure that playsmsd is NOT running.
Try to reboot your server and then check again if playsmsd is running. If it is not running, try again playsmsd start
if it is running you are good to go.
Yup, that fixed it. I guess I went full stupid and forgot to change the database information in the new config.
Damn that feels bad. xD
Thanks for the help man!
It still didnt fix the issue of me not being able to have more than one contact with the same number though. Hmm.
Ok, I’m back from vacation now, so I’m soon ready to get this work again. (I’ll be at work in around 20hrs, still weekend).
Do you have any idea what my issue might be, Anton? (If I recall correctly, I weren’t able to send SMS’ either after updating, can’t quite recall since it’s over a week ago now.)