PlaySMS and integrating users from an AD, adding contacts through .csv and group management

Great! That worked! Appreciate the help.

Just giving you a friendly remind to update the the latest version of the language pack in the other thread.
If you notice any missing strings or so, just let me know and I’ll fix it. If I notice anything missing/wrong I’ll make sure to reupload the language files for you.

Got an issue regarding when I try to reply back to a message, when I send a message back, I dont get anything in the inbox, email, or on the phone (all options are yes in user config).


    • 2015-08-04 15:35:46 PID55c0ac7a3db52 - L3 smstools_hook_getsmsinbox # sender:+4747275267 receiver: dt:2015-08-04 15:35:45 msg:[@HKIT test] smsc:[modem1]
    • 2015-08-04 15:35:46 PID55c0ac7a3db52 - L3 recvsms # isrecvsmsd:1 dt:2015-08-04 15:35:45 sender:+4747275267 m:@HKIT test receiver: smsc:modem1
    • 2015-08-04 15:35:47 PID55c0ac7a3db52 - L3 recvsmsd # id:3 dt:2015-08-04 15:35:45 sender:+4747275267 m:@HKIT test receiver: smsc:modem1
    • 2015-08-04 15:35:47 PID55c0ac7a3db52 - L3 recvsms_process # dt:2015-08-04 15:35:45 sender:+4747275267 m:@HKIT test receiver: smsc:modem1
    • 2015-08-04 15:35:47 PID55c0ac7a3db52 - L3 recvsms_process # unhandled datetime:2015-08-04 15:35:45 sender:+4747275267 receiver: message:@HKIT test

Its in sandbox


And how do I redirect it from there to the inbox, email and phone?

You suddenly forgot howto configure ? :smiley:

Please visit Settings->Route incoming SMS and enable to scan @username and #groupcode

And then enable the forward on each account.


Holy Christ, I guess I have, had a long day, I’ll blame that. :confused:

no worries, ask all the way :slight_smile: I got no problem answering


Appreciate that, just feel dumb :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey there again! Been a while, the schools finally seem prepared to take use of the system, so we’ll start testing with it asap.

I got one problem though, at the current moment, at least until I can find a better solution I’m generating passwords based on the users usename and a number (while prompting the users to change the password on their own).

I got one problem though, I don’t seem to be able to log in with this user information. If I log in as an administrator, and then log in as a user through the manage users and change the password from the interface(even to the same password that’s got written into the database with the script), I’m able to log in. Does this have something to do with the current generation of passwords being in plain text (this is obviously a security flaw, still in the testing phase)?

What kind of encryption do you use? Is it default md5? Not at work at the moment, but if that’s the case, I should be able to just do md5($password); to get the password with proper cryptation.

Cheers for any help!

Ok, just running md5($password) was enough for it to work, never mind my last question then!

Ok, got a problem regarding replying to messages. They get stuck in the sandbox for anything other than admin users.

Route incoming SMS and enable scan is both on.

Checking values in database, all users has fwd_to_mobile, fwd_to_email and fwd_to_inbox set to 1.

Is there anything obvious I’m missing here?


Please create new topic. Thanks.

Message need to contain @username


Ah, of course, that’s probably the error.

Brainlagged and thought it was groupname instead of username when trying to fix the problem.

(“HKIT” is both a user and a group, hence the confusion from me).

After the weekend, I’ll try it out properly, I’ll make a new topic if it doesn’t work!
