Playsms 1.4.5 and PHP 8.X

Hi all, there Is a way to check compatibility or maybe, better upgrade intere playsms project to PHP 8.X?.
Thanks in advances for replies.

into PHP 8.2 there were some troubbles, but with php 8.1, and after half a day working on sources, now all seems to work well!!!

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I saw your post afew days ago, so I tried to install it on Ubuntu 22.04 with php 8.1.2 on it, well it needs some change for sure :slight_smile:

please try 1.5.0-beta6

Surely, cos I’ve used rector to update the code inside, plus some fixes made by me checking on httpd errors log, but I’ve tested all functions regarding phonebook , users and SMS (with smstools3 and Huawei E220 USB 3g modem) and all worked as expected.
asap I’ll try also the new beta 6! Thanks.

Remember you, I made also italian translation for playsms 1.5.0, if you want, maybe you could add it to this fantastic project!


just try to try your 1.5.0 b6, cannot add users: blanch page after try to add users clicking on “plus” simbol, maybe need other changes to be compatible with php 8.X
I’m on php 8.2, where installed also version 1.4.6 with php 8.X compatibility (just to use same hardware for both playsms versions)

one error
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /var/www/storage/application/plugin/core/user/user_mgmnt.php:193

other error
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot access offset of type string on string in /var/www/storage/application/plugin/core/user/subuser_mgmnt.php:162

for both, add users/subusers, or maybe depends that I use port:8080 (port 80 is for playsms old version) to run playsms 1.5.0b6…


Just push new commit to fix this: fix language selection due to php8, add some checks too · playsms/playsms@a6865c5 · GitHub

Thanks for the info, there will be some more errors similar to this and I’ll fix them when found.


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