Messages stuck in queue, no corresponding queue_dst entry

Hello Anton,

i’m confused actually. i’m triying to install the Windows Version, everything is working fine, database ok, xampp ok, php5 ok, i can log in, but when i want to send a sms the message is only moving in the queue but not sended.

I install everything like your tutorial of [Rizki_Masjahri] Installing playsms on windows but still had the issue that i only get the sms in the queue with this message:

“Your SMS has been delivered to queue (queued: 1, failed: 0)”

When i test Gammu via CMD everything works finde and the message is also sent, but on playsms with gammu after i start the “playsms_gammu_start.bat” on windows it only queue’s the message.

Pleeeeasee i need your help, i am confused actually, cause this is a project for a company and i can’t use unix :frowning:

Thank you for each help…
