Mail to SMS and SMS to mail

I’m new to playsms and i’ve been trying to understand how mail to sms and sms to email works in playsms and how the configuration has to be done. But all in vain i was not able to understand it. Thus would like to request your expertise to guide me or show me the steps which i need to follow to do so. Help needed urgently.

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Mail to SMS:

  1. Create a dedicated email account: This will be used to send SMS messages. Choose a service that offers reliable email delivery.
  2. Configure Playsms: Look for the “Email to SMS” or similar section in Playsms. It might be under Settings or Plugins depending on your version. Here, you’ll enter your email account details:
  • Username
  • Password
  • Server details (IMAP or POP3, hostname, port)
  1. Send a test SMS: Compose an email with:
  • Recipient number in the “To” field (format might vary, check Playsms documentation)
  • Message body as the SMS content

SMS to Email:

Caution: SMS to Email might require additional setup or plugins depending on your Playsms version.

  1. Configure SMTP: Find the “SMS to Email” or “SMTP” settings in Playsms. Enter your email server details:
  • Server address
  • Port (usually 443 for secure connections)
  • Username
  • Password
  1. Test SMS forwarding: Send a test SMS on your phone. Playsms should forward the SMS content as an email to the address defined in the SMTP settings.