I just realized that when i receive a incoming message it is stored but with a wrong date. The log shows the date correctly but while checking the inbox is displaying a wrong date.
on a first view everything looks fine. but i saw on github there was a correction for telerivet and receive_sms. do you have an older version installed?
maybe that will fix it. but it is just a guess, not knowing…
i have only one idea:
in tele* gateway the following variables are set: if ($_POST['event'] == 'incoming_message') { $c_smsc = 'telerivet'; $c_remote_id = $_POST['id']; $c_message_type = $_POST['message_type']; $c_content = htmlspecialchars_decode(urldecode($_POST['content'])); $c_from_number = $_POST['from_number']; $c_to_number = $_POST['to_number']; $c_time_created = $_POST['time_created']; $c_time_sent = $_POST['time_sent']; $c_contact_id = $_POST['contact_id']; $c_phone_id = $_POST['phone_id']; $c_service_id = $_POST['service_id']; $c_project_id = $_POST['project_id']; # Convert timestamp to datetime $c_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $c_time_sent); logger_print("incoming smsc:" . $c_smsc . " message_id:" . $c_remote_slid . " s:" . $c_from_number . " d:" . $c_to_number, 2, "telerivet callback"); $c_from_number = addslashes($c_from_number); $c_content = addslashes($c_content); recvsms($c_time, $c_from_number, $c_content, $c_to_number, $c_smsc);
=> used value is c_time, which is created from c_time_sent. from gateway two values are “expected”(?):
$c_time_created = $_POST[‘time_created’];
$c_time_sent = $_POST[‘time_sent’];
can you check, which variable is overgiven by your gateway? maybe changing the callback.php from
$c_time = date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’, $c_time_sent);
$c_time = date(‘Y-m-d H:i:s’, $c_time_created);
It’s working now but i just realized it’s not using my servers time but something else time. It is good because now there is at least a date recorded but the time is not correct. What could it be now?
i guess timezone settings are not reflected. please do me a favour and open a bug, so the root cause might be fixed by someone who has more knowledge of that gateway. and maybe someone (at least anton?) knows immediately where to look for timezone things.