Note that option --add-drop-table above is important, do not miss it.
Backup playSMS files and folders:
playSMS daemon script at /usr/local/bin/playsmsd
playSMS daemon config at /etc/playsmsd
playSMS files at web folder /var/www/playsms
Backup process is very important
Do not continue if you have any hesitation
Ask a lot if you have doubt
You must make sure that you know how to restore them
Install playSMS version 1.0 in the same server with the same DB and the same web folder
playSMS version 1.0 installation manual is available from this topic.
This step requires you to install playSMS version 1.0 on top of installed playSMS 1.0-rc8 or 1.0-rc9, that means old database, files and folders will be replaced with the new one.
Stop playSMS daemon
playsmsd stop
playsmsd check
Re-insert your backup playSMS DB sql file (DB sql file dump from previous installation) to the same DB
mysql -uroot -p playsms < playsms.sql
Upgrade DB. Below commands are example for upgrade from playSMS version 1.0-rc8
wget -c
mysql -uroot -p playsms < ./playsms-upgrade_1.0-rc8_to_1.0.sql
Change 1.0-rc8 to 1.0-rc9 on above commands for upgrade from playSMS version 1.0-rc9
Trying to upgrade from playSMS 1.0-rc8 to 1.0 using this how-to, I faced an issue. In fact, on step 6 where I had to upgrade DB, I executed the command : mysql -uroot -p playsms < ./playsms-upgrade_1.0-rc8_to_1.0.sql and got the following error : ERROR 1091 (42000) at line 14: Can’t DROP ‘uid’; check that column/key exists.
Hi, sorry it’s not clear yet. I removed all the content up to the line 14 and now when i run:
mysql -uroot -p playsms < playsms-upgrade_1.0-rc9_to_1.0.sql
Then get this:
ERROR 1091 (42000) at line 1: Can’t DROP ‘mobile’; check that column/key exists
The file i modified looks like this:
cat playsms-upgrade_1.0-rc9_to_1.0.sql
DROP INDEX mobile ON playsms_featurePhonebook ;
DROP INDEX uid_mobile ON playsms_featurePhonebook ;
DROP INDEX uid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group ;
DROP INDEX flag_sender ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group ;
DROP INDEX code ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group ;
DROP INDEX pid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts ;
DROP INDEX gpid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts ;
CREATE INDEX pid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts (pid) ;
CREATE INDEX gpid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts (gpid) ;
CREATE INDEX uid on playsms_tblSMSOutgoing (uid);
CREATE INDEX in_uid on playsms_tblSMSIncoming (in_uid);
CREATE INDEX in_uid on playsms_tblSMSInbox (in_uid);
ALTER TABLE playsms_tblSMSOutgoing_queue ADD queue_count INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ AFTER flag;
Thanks. Im doing it now but it keeps trowing the same error for the first line. If i keep doing what im doing i will remove all the content of the script. Im nor sure if what i am doing is right.
Here’s the final file for those going from 1.0-rc9 to 1.0:
DROP INDEX pid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts ;
DROP INDEX gpid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts ;
CREATE INDEX pid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts (pid) ;
CREATE INDEX gpid ON playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts (gpid) ;
CREATE INDEX uid on playsms_tblSMSOutgoing (uid);
CREATE INDEX in_uid on playsms_tblSMSIncoming (in_uid);
CREATE INDEX in_uid on playsms_tblSMSInbox (in_uid);
ALTER TABLE playsms_tblSMSOutgoing_queue ADD queue_count INT(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT ‘0’ AFTER flag;
rc9 should have those missing INDEX, but maybe in your installation they’re not exists
this issue is because I couldn’t add something like DROP INDEX IF EXISTS