Hello everyone. I have installed playsms + smstools and I can send SMS without problem. But sms received did not appear in playsms (My account + Inbox).
I search the database (table playsms_tblSMSIncoming) and sms are recorded. That could be happening?
- 2016-04-06 14:30:31 PID570545fbbd848 - L2 simplebilling__finalize # saving smslog_id:81
- 2016-04-06 14:30:31 PID570545fbbd848 - L2 simplebilling__finalize # saved smslog_id:81
- 2016-04-06 14:30:31 PID570545fbc27a9 - L2 smstools_hook_getsmsinbox # DLR received message_id:187 status:0 info1:[Ok] info2:[short message received by the SME] smsc:[GSM1]
- 2016-04-06 14:30:42 PID570545fbc27a9 - L2 smstools_hook_getsmsinbox # DLR received message_id:188 status:0 info1:[Ok] info2:[short message received by the SME] smsc:[GSM1]
- 2016-04-06 14:30:42 PID570545fbc27a9 - L2 smstools_hook_getsmsinbox # DLR smslog_id:81 p_status:3 smsc:[GSM1]