Hi Anton,
I had to implement several messagetemplates for several users, so I decided to do it directly in the database. the templates are available to all the users as desired, but with special characters I have some issues. German umlauts (ä,ö,ü…) are correctly stored in the playsms-database, but in the web frontend they are shown wrong and are sent as sms in the same way as they are shown in the GUI…
any hint?
i connected to the mysql-db “playsms” and isnerted the data into table …featureMsgTemplate.
the insert was running fine, data is available. i have only a mismatch of special characters (on linux-level -> connect to database -> view data: everything fine; having a look to the templates via playsms-gui, i have wrong “translation” of those characters.
database: | 0 | 507 | 28 | Strom_Entstoer_intern | ENTSTÖRUNG
playsms-gui: Strom_Entstoer_intern ENTSTÖRUNG
i did the same test as you, and in db i get another result:
| 0 | 59 | 3 | Strom_Entstoer_intern | ENTSTÖRUNG Die IHK kann seit XX:XX Uhr wieder in
| 0 | 508 | 3 | Strom_TEST | Bitt▒ N▒cht ben▒tzen! ▒ - ▒ - ▒
maybe my unix-environment, where i inserted the entries into the database, is not well configured.
hi anton,
I was able to solve the issue by manually convert my sql-script to iso-8859-1 and then execute it.
So the problem was related to charctersets…