SMS Rate, how it works

@anton pls help me understand what this does.

1 - is it a message per second limit?
2 - or is it the amount of credit consumed per SMS sent? If yes, is this a money amount, or is it a quantity of SMS in number amount?

thanking you in advance

Rate is credit per sms. Credit not necessarily money 1 to 1 money equivalent.


Thanks Anton, you give amazing support for a really good product.

Only when Im available, and tbh require others help, at least in answering from experience :slight_smile:


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@Anton, Can you help me to integrate PlaySMS with Nagios alerts.
Pls check how can Nagios Alert mails can send by PlaySMS by SMS

Is there anyone could tell me why to every sent SMS the credit is not decreased?

This is a problem due to billing and reseller credit as well