Scheduling sms sending via webservice

I am trying to schedule sms sending but its failing .It is sending the message right away.I would like it to wait until sceduled time.Below is the url i am writing to the browser.

http://xx.x.x.x/playsms/index.phpapp=ws&u=admin&h=abf845426068b19affef2f4470829d25&op=pv&to=0773939025&msg=test&schedule=2016-03-29 08:50:00

i guess you have at least to escape spaces.

Even if i escape spaces .Its still sending right away

i have nearly no knowledge about json, but in anton’s exmaples space is written with ‘+’. maybe you can try schedule=2016-03-29+08:50:00

Thanks Andre .I tried you suggestion but the message is sending right away

can you provide logfiles?


    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 gammu_hook_sendsms # saved outfile:[/var/spool/gammu/outbox/OUTA20160330_145109_00_0773939025_38705100011100010.txtd] smsc:gammu
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 simplerate__deduct # enter smslog_id:38705
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 credit_hook_rate_setusercredit # no changes uid:1 balance:10000
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 simplerate__deduct # user uid:1 parent_uid: smslog_id:38705 msglen:8 count:1 rate: charge:0 credit:10000.000 balance:10000
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 simplebilling__post # saving smslog_id:38705 rate: credit:10000.000 count:1 charge:0
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 simplebilling__post # saved smslog_id:38705 id:34700
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 sendsms_process # end
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 sendsmsd # result queue_code:1df4b1d6d70842b2d7bb79207804e172 to:0773939025 flag:1 smslog_id:38705
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:09 PID56fbbdad6e2ba - L2 sendsmsd # finish processing queue_code:1df4b1d6d70842b2d7bb79207804e172 uid:1 sender_id:Leon queue_count:1 sms_count:1
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:18 PID56f50442daa93 - L2 gammu_hook_getsmsstatus # smslog_id:38705 unlink the_fn:/var/spool/gammu/sent/OUTA20160330_145109_00_0773939025_38705100011100010.txtd p_status:1 smsc:gammu
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:19 PID56f50442daa93 - L2 simplebilling__finalize # saving smslog_id:38705
    • 2016-03-30 14:51:19 PID56f50442daa93 - L2 simplebilling__finalize # saved smslog_id:38705

please increase loglevel and reproduce the issue. and please provide the webservice-call as well.