Hello friend
I’m using playsms with about 2000users.
I have some problem with MySQL queries.
Playsms is very very low speed to phonebook access or sent message access or welcome page.
I recently install latest version of playsms in new clean server and restore my DB. ( My playsms DB size is about 1GB ) and it’s very slow. (Clean playsms core with my huge db)
> # User@Host: admin[admin] @ localhost []
> # Thread_id: 14509 Schema: playsms QC_hit: No
> # Query_time: 14.548385 Lock_time: 0.000184 Rows_sent: 50 Rows_examined: 4664360
> SET timestamp=1693628346;
> SELECT DISTINCT A.id AS pid, A.uid AS uid, A.name AS name, A.c_timestamp AS c_timestamp, A.mobile AS mobile, A.comment AS comment, A.voting AS voting, A.nov AS nov, A.first_visit AS first_visit, A.birthday as birthday,A.customer as customer, A.email AS email, A.tags AS tags FROM playsms_featurePhonebook AS A LEFT JOIN playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts AS C ON A.id=C.pid LEFT JOIN playsms_featurePhonebook_group AS B ON B.id=C.gpid WHERE ( A.uid='1990' OR B.id in (
> SELECT B.id AS id FROM playsms_featurePhonebook AS A
> LEFT JOIN playsms_featurePhonebook_group_contacts AS C ON A.id=C.pid LEFT JOIN playsms_featurePhonebook_group AS B ON B.id=C.gpid
> WHERE A.mobile LIKE '%1211211'
> AND B.flag_sender='1'
> ) OR ( A.uid <>'1990' AND B.flag_sender>'1' ) ) AND '1'='1' ORDER BY DATE(A.c_timestamp) DESC, TIME(A.c_timestamp) DESC LIMIT 50 OFFSET 0;