Not receiving delievery report from Infobip

I get the following in my logs “NO DATA”

- - 2016-09-19 03:40:57 PID57df3415ce4b6 - L2 infobip__getsmsstatus # smslog_id:7     apimsgid:216091900312960049 url:*****&password=L******&messageid=216091900312960049
- - 2016-09-19 03:40:57 PID57df3415ce4b6 - L3 infobip__debug # fd: NO_DATA

The SMS are being delivered but now users are not getting charged because it seems SMS never got sent.
At infobip my setting for URL are as follows:

MT delivery report URL :
Number Context delivery report URL :

Nothing??? Anyone out there???

Infobip http api doesn´t work very well with playsms. Advice to use smpp integration

Thanks, SMPP with infobip works perfect