Difficulty with sending sms in module playsms

hi! let me congratulate you for your job here and your share knowledges.
i have difficulty with sending sms in module playsms. I Have install Kannel with playsms on Ubuntu systeme.
When i sent message i’ ve message: Your message has been placed in queue (queue:1 failure:0). But have nothing in display the queue. The message in bearebox is ;
Warning:Cannot find SMSCConn for message to +221xxxxxxxx rejected.
Warning: Message rejected by bearerbox, no router!
Error: Could not unlink file '/var/spool/kannel/store/64/fbxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx…'
Error: System error 2: No such file or directory.
I have configure 2 SMPP account like the topic https://github.com/antonraharja/book-playsms/blob/master/book-contents/en/Installation/Gateway-Installation/Kannel/Example-Kannel-configuration-with-SMPP.md
the 2 account working well went use with navigator and specify global-sender.
Can you help me resolve it please.
Thank you!

if possible share your kannel.conf (filtered/sanitized private information)
