Autoresponce full text search?

Can I use playsms in creating a autoresponce sms full text search platform? if possible how?

I don’t understand what you mean. Please explain with examples


I want my customers to send a message and query it on a database and receive the appropriate responce, like asking how much my products costs and get the appropriate answer

ok, for example: a sender sent: how much the product… err what is called? xbox? yes, how much xbox cost ?

and then playSMS should do what ? forward to another external apps that actually understand the question ? or deal with the question it self ? or save it and show it to a user where a user read it and reply ?

explain more


I want playSMS to relay the message to a database I set up via smpp and relay the responce back look at the picture, like playSMS to help with the SQL information lookup part and database part, already got an sms gateway setup


you need a script to convert user input into SQL, for example the script would convert SMS into:

SELECT search FROM tblSearch WHERE input='$incoming_sms'

in this case you can use Features -> Manage custom or Settings -> Route incoming SMS -> post rules fwd sandbox to URL

the topologi:

Mobile user ---SMS---> playSMS ---HTTP---> handler.php --->SQL lookup--->DB server


Thank you Anton, will try that, so it will try it and let you know how it goes yes?