I´ve created a plugin to do some checks on outgoing sms, and, based on a condition (invalid dst number), not send some sms.
The plugin is being executed, but the sms is always been sent. My plugin name is check_dst.
Do I have to put something else on return to get what I need?
My function is:
function check_dst_hook_sendsms_intercept($sms_sender,$sms_footer,$sms_to,$sms_msg,$uid,$gpid=0,$sms_type='text',$unicode=0) {
$validNumber = sendsms_validatenumber($sms_to);
// $validNumber = false;
if(!$validNumber) {
$ret['cancel'] = true;
$ret['hooked'] = true;
$ret['modified'] = true;
logger_print("destino invalido " . $sms_to, 3, "check_dst");
return $ret;
Thanks in advance.
Seems that this code on sendsms/fn.php is not working:
// if hooked function returns cancel=true then stop the sending, return false
if ($ret_intercept['cancel']) {
_log("end with cancelled smslog_id:" . $smslog_id . " uid:" . $uid . " gpid:" . $gpid . " smsc:" . $smsc . " s:" . $sms_sender . " to:" . $sms_to . " type:" . $sms_type . " unicode:" . $unicode, 2, "sendsms_process");
$ret['status'] = false;
return $ret;
Thanks in advance,
Found that $ret[‘cancel’] was overwritten by plugins executed after mine.
However, sms cancelled are not shown by reports, right? Then, I prefer route them to blocked gateway.
how do you set the smsc to blocked ?
Hi Anton,
function zcheck_dst_hook_sendsms_intercept($sms_sender,$sms_footer,$sms_to,$sms_msg,$uid,$gpid=0,$sms_type=‘text’,$unicode=0) {
$validNumber = sendsms_validatenumber($sms_to);
if(!$validNumber) {
$ret['hooked'] = true;
$ret['modified'] = true;
$ret['param']['smsc'] = 'blocked';
logger_print("invalid destination " . $sms_to, 3, "check_dst");
return $ret;
And renamed my plugin to zcheck_dst