[solved] Is playsms support read Japanese/other languages message?

Hello everyone,

I have just set up a new SMS Gateway Kannel with PlaySMS and successfully send/receive English message on Playsms.

But i have problem when send Japanese sms from my phone to modem and playsms cannot display that Japanese message (it display strange characters)

So i wonder if playsms support read Japanese/other languages message? (like a phone support read other languages)

Thank you for reading !

Hi, any one there?

I need your knoweldge :frowning:

Japanese is like any other unicode charset, please browse this forum for issues regarding unicodes


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Hi Anton,

Thank you for replying me. But i can’t find any case like me in forum.

Currently i can send japanese character from playsms to phone and can read on the phone. But when i send japanese character from phone, playsms convert them to unreadable character (content: l0Lo0K0c0_0g0Y @admin). Can’t understand why?

Can you have any idea about that? I use kannel as SMS gateway.

Here is the log on playsms: localhost 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID562f40c93772b - L2 kannel__call # start load:/var/www/html/playsms/plugin/gateway/kannel/geturl.php localhost 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID562f40c93772b - L3 kannel__incoming # addr: host:localhost t:2015-10-27 09:16:09 q:+…728 a:N)l0Lo0K0c0_0g0Y @admin Q: smsc:[] localhost 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID562f40c93772b - L3 recvsms # isrecvsmsd:1 dt:2015-10-27 09:16:09 sender:+…728 m:N)l0Lo0K0c0_0g0Y @admin receiver: smsc: localhost 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID562f40c93772b - L2 kannel__call # end load geturl

    • 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID560a5a72382d6 admin L3 recvsmsd # id:84 dt:2015-10-27 09:16:09 sender:+…728 m:N)l0Lo0K0c0_0g0Y @admin receiver: smsc:
    • 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID560a5a72382d6 admin L3 incoming__recvsms_intercept # recvsms_intercept dt:2015-10-27 09:16:09 s:+…728 r: m:N)l0Lo0K0c0_0g0Y @admin
    • 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID560a5a72382d6 admin L3 incoming__recvsms_intercept # pv u:admin uid:1 dt:2015-10-27 09:16:09 s:+…728 r: m:[N)l0Lo0K0c0_0g0Y @admin] reference_id:
    • 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID560a5a72382d6 admin L2 recvsms_inbox_add # saving sender:+…728 receiver: target:admin reference_id:
    • 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID560a5a72382d6 admin L2 recvsms_inbox_add # saved id:18 sender:+…728 receiver: target:admin
    • 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID560a5a72382d6 admin L3 incoming__recvsms_intercept # pv end
    • 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID560a5a72382d6 admin L3 recvsms_process # dt:2015-10-27 09:16:09 sender:+…728 m:N)l0Lo0K0c0_0g0Y @admin receiver: smsc:
    • 2015-10-27 16:15:53 PID560a5a72382d6 admin L3 recvsms_process # intercepted datetime:2015-10-27 09:16:09 sender:+…728 receiver: message:N)l0Lo0K0c0_0g0Y @admin

Check your kannel.conf, do you have mo-recode = true in your smsbox block ?

If not then add it then restart kannel


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Woo !! It work like a charm. :grinning:

So it have problem in Kannel config. Thank you so much Anton, Love Playsms so much :smile:

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how your @kiemsino1 unicode message enables?
did you install japanese on ur playsms folder
if yes …
can you guide me…
also can you share your kannel conf here…?

Hi akay,
I follow Anton instruction enable mo-recode. here is the config. hope it helps:
Also, i dont install any japanese packets. i just send japanese characters from my phone to playsms

kannel.conf_kiemsino1 (1.3 KB)

Thank you for your reply
However I did solved that issue…

M now stuck with multilingual sms…
Did you try

I try with japanese and vietnamese ok but have problem when use “email to sms” function. follow the format of this function, the subject contain the content of sms. But when i try to use japanese as content, Playsms read the subject <admin 1234 新> to:

"subject:[=?UTF-8?B?W1NQQU1CP10gIA==?= admin 1234 =?UTF-8?Q?=E6=96=B0=E8=A6=8F=20?=[Ticket#2016032509000018]] body:[09xxx=]

Then it notice:

  • 2016-03-25 09:02:00 PID56f49c181c733 - L3 mailsms_hook_playsmsd_once # invalid username sender_username:[=?UTF-8?B?W1NQQU1CP10gIA==?=]

And the sms cannot be created because “[=?UTF-8?B?W1NQQU1CP10gIA==?=” have been add before “admin 1234” so the format is not passed.

@ Anton Anton Raharja: Do you have solution for that ?