[Solved]Firewall automatically adds ip to blocked addresses

i have faced a strange issue playsms firewall automaticaly add repeated failed logins from an ip to blocked addresses ?
anybody experienced same

no, i didn’t experience that, but it sounds like brute-force-detection. you can enable / disable brute-force detection in the configuration dialogue.

That means it has brute force detection. But it doesn’t throw back to users action denied

i checked it, and after some tries with wrong passwords i am not able to connect with the correct password anymore. logging in with another admin user i see my user now contained in the firewall-section of playsms => brute force detection works. during login with the user being “firewalled” i get always the message “wrong password” which is from my perspective regarding security a good message, because an attacker can’t differ between wrong password or being filtered by anti-atack-mechanisms.

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yeah surely a good found feature thanks to anton!!

Can you help me with this?

no, i can’t help you with that, i am facing exactly the same issue…

okay thank you…andre…
no issues