Smstools & zte mf636

My smsd config for a zte mf636 modem below seem to take too long to process both for incoming and outgoing.

I have come to it after reading the different posts and although it works it delays from 1 to several minutes.

Any assistance is welcome please

Global configuration
devices = modem1

loglevel = 5

stats = /var/log/sms/stats
logfile = /var/log/sms/smsd.log

Default queue directory = /var/spool/sms
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent

do not set report folder, let status report files saved in incoming
report = /var/spool/sms/report
delaytime = 2
errorsleeptime = 10
blocktime = 180
autosplit = 3

receive_before_send = yes
incoming_utf8 = yes

Queue configurations
modem1 = /var/spool/sms/modem1

Modem configurations
Modem name: modem1
Modem type: Wavecom USB

init = ATE0+CPMS="ME"
init2 = AT+CNMI=3,1,0,0,0
init = AT+CPMS=“ME”,“ME”,"ME"
device = /dev/gsmmodem
baudrate = 19200
queues = modem1
smsc = +3097100000
decode_unicode_text = yes
incoming = yes

try to use cellphone, will your SMS delivered faster than 1 minute ?


what I have available is a USB ZTE MF636 and a Huwai K5160 no mobile.

the ZTE MF636 when used on PC delivers messages immediately

do you see my setting above as correct

so its a matter of smstools config, not sure which one that is causing the delay


it might well be that is there any suggestion as to what it should be changed to improve this?

Someone with smstools3 and zte mf636 modem to share a working setup please

The delays you’re experiencing with your ZTE MF636 modem and smsd could be caused by a few factors. Here’s how we can troubleshoot and potentially improve the processing speed:

1. Optimize Initialization Strings:

  • Redundant init lines: Your configuration has multiple init lines with similar commands. Try removing duplicates and keeping the most concise set.
  • Alternative AT+CPMS: The AT+CPMS="ME" command might be causing delays. Experiment with AT+CPMS="SM" to see if message storage reading improves.

2. Adjust Timeouts:

  • delaytime: This defines the interval between checking for new messages. A value of 2 seconds might be too frequent. Try increasing it to 5 or 10 seconds.
  • errorsleeptime: This defines the wait time after encountering an error. A value of 10 seconds might be unnecessarily long. Try reducing it to 5 seconds for faster retries.

3. Consider Alternative Modem Type:

  • Wavecom USB: While some users report success with this setting, ZTE modems might have a specific type. Check online resources or your modem manual for the recommended modem type in smsd.conf.

Here’s a revised configuration based on the suggestions above (remember to back up your original configuration):

`devices = modem1
loglevel = 5
stats = /var/log/sms/stats
logfile = /var/log/sms/smsd.log
Default queue directory = /var/spool/sms
outgoing = /var/spool/sms/outgoing
checked = /var/spool/sms/checked
failed = /var/spool/sms/failed
incoming = /var/spool/sms/incoming
sent = /var/spool/sms/sent
do not set report folder, let status report files saved in incoming
report = /var/spool/sms/report
delaytime = 5
errorsleeptime = 5
blocktime = 180
autosplit = 3
receive_before_send = yes
incoming_utf8 = yes
modem1 = /var/spool/sms/modem1

Try removing redundant init lines and experiment with AT+CPMS=“SM”

init = ATZ
init2 = ATE0

Check online resources for the recommended modem type for ZTE MF636

modem_type = # Replace with the correct modem type
device = /dev/gsmmodem
baudrate = 19200
queues = modem1
smsc = +3097100000
decode_unicode_text = yes
incoming = yes`

Additional Tips:

  • Consult online resources and forums specific to ZTE MF636 and smsd for troubleshooting tips from other users.
  • Monitor the smsd logs (/var/log/sms/smsd.log) for any error messages that might indicate specific issues.

Remember to restart smsd after making any configuration changes. Hopefully, these suggestions help improve the processing speed of your smsd with the ZTE MF636 modem.