Hi all, i´m getting this error from Kannel, so after some hours looking info about it i didn´t find anything
2016-01-17 23:03:27 [2603] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Creating HTTPClient for'. 2016-01-17 23:03:27 [2603] [2] DEBUG: HTTP: Created HTTPClient area 0x9e128c0. 2016-01-17 23:03:27 [2603] [3] INFO: smsbox: Got HTTP request </cgi-bin/sendsms> from <> 2016-01-17 23:03:27 [2603] [3] INFO: sendsms used by <playsms> 2016-01-17 23:03:27 [2603] [3] INFO: sendsms sender:<playsms:InfoSMS> ( to:<34xxxnnnxxx> msg:<TEST KANNEL> 2016-01-17 23:03:27 [2603] [3] DEBUG: Status: 400 Answer: <DLR-URL field misformed, rejected> 2016-01-17 23:03:27 [2603] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient area 0x9e128c0. 2016-01-17 23:03:27 [2603] [3] DEBUG: HTTP: Destroying HTTPClient for’.
any help would be very appreciated.
More information:
Kannel is running ok, ports 13000 admin ok, 13001 for smsbox and 13131 send-sms port. No modem is configured, only smpp gateway.
Kannel config:
group = core
admin-port = 13000
admin-password = xxxx
admin-deny-ip = "..."
admin-allow-ip = ""
smsbox-port = 13001
wdp-interface-name = ""
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/bearerbox.log"
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/kannel.log"
access-log = "/var/log/kannel/access.log"
log-level = 0
store-type = spool
store-location = "/var/spool/kannel/store"
smsbox-max-pending = 100
box-deny-ip = "...*"
box-allow-ip = “”
group = smsbox
smsbox-id = smsbox1
bearerbox-host = localhost
bearerbox-port = 13001
sendsms-port = 13131
sendsms-chars = "0123456789+ "
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsbox.log"
log-level = 0
mo-recode = true
group = sendsms-user
default-smsc = smpp1
username = xxxx
password = xxxx
concatenation = true
group = sms-service
keyword = default
omit-empty = true
accept-x-kannel-headers = true
max-messages = 0
get-url = “https://www.xxxxx.com/sms/index.php?app=call&cat=gateway&plugin=kannel&access=geturl&t=%t&q=%q&a=%a&Q=%Q&smsc=%i”
SMSC smpp1
group = smsc
smsc = smpp
smsc-id = smpp1
allowed-smsc-id = smpp1
preferred-smsc-id = smpp1
host = xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
port = xxxx
transceiver-mode = yes
smsc-username = xxxxx
smsc-password = xxxxx
system-type = "VMA"
log-file = "/var/log/kannel/smsc-smpp1.log"
log-level = 0
Playsms Log (1 sending): www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L2 sendsms # start uid:1 sender_id:[InfoSMS] smsc:[] www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L3 sendsms # maxlen:459 footerlen:0 footer:[] msglen:13 message:[TEST KANNEL] www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L2 sendsms_queue_create # saving queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 src:InfoSMS scheduled:17-01-2016 23:03:26 www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L2 sendsms_queue_create # saved queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 id:65 www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L3 sendsms_manipulate_prefix # before prefix manipulation:[34nnnnnnnnn] www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L3 sendsms_manipulate_prefix # after prefix manipulation:[34nnnnnnnnn] www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:34nnnnnnnnn default_rate:0.05 www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:1 u:admin len:13 unicode:0 to:34nnnnnnnnn enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate:0.05 charge:0.05 www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L2 sendsms # dst:1 sms_count:1 total_charges:0.05 www.xxxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L2 sendsms_queue_push # saving queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 dst:34nnnnnnnnn www.xxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L2 sendsms_queue_push # saved queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 smslog_id:68 www.xxxxxx.com 17-01-2016 23:03:26 PID569c0fae78d14 admin L2 sendsms # end queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 failed_queue:0 failed_sms:0
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 sendsmsd # start processing queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 chunk:0 queue_count:1 sms_count:1 scheduled:17-01-2016 23:03:26 uid:1 gpid:0 sender_id:InfoSMS
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 sendsmsd # sending queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 smslog_id:68 to:34nnnnnnnnn sms_count:1 counter:1
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 sendsms_intercept # msgtemplate modified sms_sender:[InfoSMS] sms_footer:[] sms_to:[34nnnnnnnnn]
sms_msg:[TEST KANNEL] uid:[1] gpid:[0] sms_type:[text] unicode:[0] queue_code:[ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584] smsc:[]
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 sendsms_intercept # msgtemplate modified sms_sender:[InfoSMS] sms_footer:[] sms_to:[34nnnnnnnnn]
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 outgoing_hook_sendsms_intercept # found SMSCs:[kannel]
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 outgoing_hook_sendsms_intercept # using prefix based smsc smsc:[kannel] uid:1 parent_uid:0 from:InfoSMS to:34nnnnnnnnn
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 sendsms_intercept # outgoing modified sms_sender:[InfoSMS] sms_footer:[] sms_to:[34nnnnnnnnn] sms_msg:[TEST KANNEL]
uid:[1] gpid:[0] sms_type:[text] unicode:[0] queue_code:[ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584] smsc:[kannel]
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 sendsms_intercept # outgoing modified sms_sender:[InfoSMS] sms_footer:[] sms_to:[34nnnnnnnnn] sms_msg:[TEST KANNEL]
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 sendsms_process # start
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:34nnnnnnnnn default_rate:0.05
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:1 u:admin len:13 unicode:0 to:34nnnnnnnnn enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate:0.05 charge:0.05
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 simplerate__cansend # allowed user uid:1 sms_to:34nnnnnnnnn credit:998.900 count:1 rate:0.05 charge:0.05 balance:998.85
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 sendsms # saving smslog_id:68 u:1 g:0 gw:kannel smsc:kannel s:InfoSMS d:34nnnnnnnnn type:text unicode:0 status:0
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 sendsms_process # saved smslog_id:68 id:68
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 sendsms # final smslog_id:68 gw:kannel smsc:kannel message:TEST KANNEL len:13
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 kannel_hook_sendsms # enter smsc:kannel smslog_id:68 uid:1 to:34nnnnnnnnn
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 kannel_hook_sendsms #
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 kannel_hook_sendsms #
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 dlr # isdlrd:1 smslog_id:68 p_status:2 uid:1
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 kannel__outgoing # end smslog_id:68 p_status:2
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 simplerate__deduct # enter smslog_id:68
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getbyprefix # rate not found to:34nnnnnnnnn default_rate:0.05
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 simplerate_hook_rate_getcharges # uid:1 u:admin len:13 unicode:0 to:34nnnnnnnnn enable_credit_unicode:0 count:1 rate:0.05 charge:0.05
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 credit_hook_rate_setusercredit # saving uid:1 balance:998.85
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 credit_hook_rate_setusercredit # saved uid:1 balance:998.85
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 simplerate__deduct # user uid:1 parent_uid: smslog_id:68 msglen:13 count:1 rate:0.05 charge:0.05 credit:998.900 balance:998.85
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 simplebilling__post # saving smslog_id:68 rate:0.05 credit:998.900 count:1 charge:0.05
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 simplebilling__post # saved smslog_id:68 id:63
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 simplerate__deduct # deduct successful uid:1 parent_uid: smslog_id:68
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L3 simplerate__deduct # credit_lowest_limit:0 balance:998.85 charge:0.05
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 sendsms_process # end
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 sendsmsd # result queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 to:34nnnnnnnnn flag:1 smslog_id:68
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c0faf16bc3 - L2 sendsmsd # finish processing queue_code:ebd3a81d1d8b9dc07c5c13e0aab0a584 uid:1 sender_id:InfoSMS queue_count:1 sms_count:1
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L3 dlrd # id:86 smslog_id:68 p_status:2 uid:1
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L2 simplerate__refund # start smslog_id:68
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L2 simplebilling__rollback # checking smslog_id:68
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L2 simplebilling__rollback # saving smslog_id:68 id:63
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L2 simplebilling__rollback # saved smslog_id:68
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L2 simplerate__refund # rolling smslog_id:68
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L2 credit_hook_rate_setusercredit # saving uid:1 balance:998.9
- 17-01-2016 23:03:27 PID569c09d6f36c3 - L2 credit_hook_rate_setusercredit # saved uid:1 balance:998.9
Kannel is on
Playsms is on