I’ve got everything up and running on Ubuntu server using the official documentation connected with with Telnyx using the community plugin by PowerPBX but im having issues with receiving message when there is a ’ in them either with messages coming from telnyx or with the simulate incoming message feature in the portal. I don’t see them show up at all in the GUI but it says that the message is received in the log. Example of what the log says
With out the ’
- 2019-01-10 18:11:43 PID5c37ac2406393 - L2 recvsms_inbox_add # saving sender:629876543210 receiver:1234 target:admin reference_id:
- 2019-01-10 18:11:43 PID5c37ac2406393 - L2 recvsms_inbox_add # saved id:10 sender:629876543210 receiver:1234 target:admin
- 2019-01-10 18:11:43 PID5c37ac2406393 - L2 sendmail # start from:admin@redacted to:admin@redacted subject:Message from 629876543210
- 2019-01-10 18:11:43 PID5c37ac2406393 - L2 sendmail # end with error:Connection refused could not connect to the host “localhost”
With the ’
- 2019-01-10 18:12:29 PID5c37ac2406393 - L2 recvsms_inbox_add # saving sender:629876543210 receiver:1234 target:admin reference_id:
- 2019-01-10 18:12:29 PID5c37ac2406393 - L2 sendmail # start from:admin@redacted to:admin@redacted subject:Message from 629876543210
- 2019-01-10 18:12:29 PID5c37ac2406393 - L2 sendmail # end with error:Connection refused could not connect to the host “localhost”
I know there is an error with the sendmail but that’s because I don’t have it setup yet and I get the same error on both messages. Im stumped, is this a fundamental issue with playsms or is it a configuration issue? This is a big problem since most phones now autocorrect for proper grammar and if I can’t receive messages with ’ that not good.