Tell me please, how to send low credit notification to users?
Jamshid Tursunov
Tell me please, how to send low credit notification to users?
Jamshid Tursunov
Setting is globally, not per user. Its in Settings -> Main configuration -> Lowest credit limit to trigger notification
Anton, good afternoon!
Yes, the function is convenient, but you must admit, sometimes it happens that different users will need to manage their balance in different ways. For example, to someone you give 10 credits, and to someone 10,000, and in such cases, the general logic will not work as it should.
Is it possible to add a function that will allow to individually trigger an alert for each user?
So it will be very flexible and convenient, in my subjective opinion
Jamshid Tursunov
no, its not possible at this time, its a major addition
I understand you, thank you.
Jamshid Tursunov