Enable "view all" button to grouped sms sent to more than 1 user

into file: /plugin/feature/report/user_outgoing.php change as described and youu’ll see "view all (2, 3 or different number deoending on how many destinations you sent one sms!)

//FIX to group all sametime sent SMS to different destinations to ENABLE GROUP in sent sms withlink:“view all”
//into file: /plugin/feature/report/user_outgoing.php
// FROM:

case "user_outgoing":
	$search_category = array(
		_('Time') => 'p_datetime',
		_('To') => 'p_dst',
		_('Message') => 'p_msg',
		_('Footer') => 'p_footer' 
	$base_url = 'index.php?app=main&inc=feature_report&route=user_outgoing&op=user_outgoing';
	$queue_label = "";
	$queue_home_link = "";
	if ($queue_code = trim($_REQUEST['queue_code'])) {
		$queue_label = "<h4>" . sprintf(_('List of queue %s'), $queue_code) . "</h4>";
		$queue_home_link = _back($base_url);
		$base_url .= '&queue_code=' . $queue_code;
		$search = themes_search($search_category, $base_url);
		$conditions = array(
			'A.queue_code' => $queue_code,
			'A.uid' => $user_config['uid'],
			'A.flag_deleted' => 0 
		$keywords = $search['dba_keywords'];
		$table = _DB_PREF_ . '_tblSMSOutgoing';
		$join = "INNER JOIN " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser AS B ON B.flag_deleted='0' AND A.uid=B.uid";
		$count = dba_count($table . ' AS A', $conditions, $keywords, '', $join);
		$nav = themes_nav($count, $search['url']);
		$extras = array(
			'ORDER BY' => 'A.smslog_id DESC',
			'LIMIT' => $nav['limit'],
			'OFFSET' => $nav['offset'] 
		$list = dba_search($table . ' AS A', 'A.smslog_id, A.p_dst, A.p_sms_type, A.p_msg, A.p_footer, A.p_datetime, A.p_update, A.p_status, A.uid, A.queue_code', $conditions, $keywords, $extras, $join);
	} else {
		$search = themes_search($search_category, $base_url);
		$conditions = array(
			'A.uid' => $user_config['uid'],
			'A.flag_deleted' => 0 
		$keywords = $search['dba_keywords'];
		$table = _DB_PREF_ . '_tblSMSOutgoing';
		$join = "INNER JOIN " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser AS B ON B.flag_deleted='0' AND A.uid=B.uid";
		$list = dba_search($table . ' AS A', 'A.id', $conditions, $keywords, array(
			'GROUP BY' => 'A.queue_code, A.id'
		), $join);
		$count = count($list);
		$nav = themes_nav($count, $search['url']);
		$extras = array(
			'GROUP BY' => 'A.queue_code, A.id',
			'ORDER BY' => 'A.smslog_id DESC',
			'LIMIT' => $nav['limit'],
			'OFFSET' => $nav['offset'] 
		$list = dba_search($table . ' AS A', 'A.smslog_id, A.p_dst, A.p_sms_type, A.p_msg, A.p_footer, A.p_datetime, A.p_update, A.p_status, A.uid, A.queue_code, COUNT(*) AS queue_count', $conditions, $keywords, $extras, $join);
	$content = _dialog() . "

// TO:

case "user_outgoing":
	$search_category = array(
	_('Gateway') => 'p_gateway',
	_('SMSC') => 'p_smsc',
	_('Time') => 'p_datetime',
	_('To') => 'p_dst',
	_('Message') => 'p_msg',
	_('Footer') => 'p_footer',
	_('Queue') => 'queue_code',
	$base_url = 'index.php?app=main&inc=feature_report&route=user_outgoing&op=user_outgoing';
	$queue_label = "";
	$queue_home_link = "";
	$table = _DB_PREF_ . "_tblSMSOutgoing AS A";
	$fields = "B.username, A.p_gateway, A.p_smsc, A.smslog_id, A.p_dst, A.p_sms_type, A.p_msg, A.p_footer, A.p_datetime, A.p_update, A.p_status, B.uid, A.queue_code";
	$conditions = [
		'B.uid' => $_SESSION['uid'],
		'A.flag_deleted' => 0,		];
	$extras = [];
	if ($queue_code = trim($_REQUEST['queue_code'])) {
		$conditions['A.queue_code'] = $queue_code;
		$queue_label = "<p class=lead>" . sprintf(_('List of queue %s'), $queue_code) . "</p>";
		$queue_home_link = _back($base_url);
		$base_url .= '&queue_code=' . $queue_code;
	} else {
		$fields .= ", COUNT(A.queue_code) AS queue_count";
		$extras['GROUP BY'] = "A.queue_code";
	$search = themes_search($search_category, $base_url);
	$keywords = $search['dba_keywords'];
	$extras['ORDER BY'] = "A.smslog_id DESC";
	$join = "INNER JOIN " . _DB_PREF_ . "_tblUser AS B ON A.uid=B.uid AND A.flag_deleted=B.flag_deleted";
	$list = dba_search($table, $fields, $conditions, $keywords, $extras, $join);

	$nav = themes_nav(count($list), $search['url']);
	$extras['LIMIT'] = $nav['limit'];
	$extras['OFFSET'] = $nav['offset'];
	$list = dba_search($table, $fields, $conditions, $keywords, $extras, $join);

	$content = _dialog() . "


all works as on playsms 1.5.0 b5 where view all button is enabled and working!

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